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Media Studies Independent Studies

Senior year, students are able to really personalize their learning based on their interests by taking a Media Studies Independent Study. Any aspect of media that the student wishes to delve into more deeply can be accommodated. Mrs. Kurtz designs a digital course for the students and, as they complete the content, they learn and practice the skills associated with a career in the chosen media study. Below are some examples of projects created by students in past independent studies.

Video Editing

In Video Editing, students learn the basics of framing shots, using visual effects, creating cohesive stories, and using a professional video editing software through mini-video projects and then a final, completely student-produced video. Below are some examples of student submissions for mini projects.

Radio Broadcasting

One senior student was very interested in radio broadcasting as a career. Considering we don't have a full radio station at school, the student focused mainly on learning to edit audio and to write radio programs. A number of assignments were given for a variety of types of radio shows and the final weeks of the study involved the student writing, recording, and editing his own 45 minute radio show once a week.

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