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February is... Blind Date with a Book Month

We all know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

Yet we all do it!

It's hard not to. And when it happens, we'll never know if we missed out on our new favorite book just because we didn't like the design of the cover that someone made because the publisher hired them. Sometimes, authors have absolutely no control over what the cover of their books look like.

That's why our February programming is designed to help all of us get out of the habit of judging books by their covers.

READ Club will be choosing and wrapping books so that their covers can't be seen. We won't tell you the title of the book either! Use the descriptions and review of the books to decide whether or not you might like it. If you decide to check one out from our Blind Date with a Book display, you will leave with a treat to enjoy while you read!

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